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“World Class Speaker” 3 Day Training!
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Between them, Kane and Alessia have founded and launched over 40 companies in 12 different countries, with a total turnover of over $220M in revenue. Three of those companies have become global leaders and brands in their industries.
As thought leaders and entrepreneurial teachers, they have taught in 16 different countries, on large stages sharing their systems and formulas for business success alongisde thought leaders such as Bill Clinton, Sir Richard Brandson and Tony Blair.
They have won over 30 awards in their industry in recognition of their global contribution to help entrepreneurs and business owners navigate, launch and propel their companies towards success.
3 Day Agenda
Registration: 8:00am
Training Time: 9:00am-5:30pm (ish)
Day 1 Topics Include
Designing Your Speaker Platform
From Passion to Profit – Speaker Business Models & Planning Your Offers
30 Behaviours of a World Class Speaker
How To Influence & Deeply Move Your Audience
Using and creating emotional triggers from stage
Day 2
Registration: 8:00am
Training Time: 9:00am-5:30pm (ish)
Day 2 Topics Include
Understanding Learning styles to be effective in large groups
Packaging & Pricing Products & Services
Creating, Producing & Marketing Info Products
Master Class: Premium Packages – How To Create High-End Services
Partnership Mastery – How to partner & with whom for fast growth
Increasing Your Credibility In The Marketplace
Registration: 8:00am
Training Time: 9:00am-5:30pm (ish)
Day 3 Topics Include
Award Winning Personal Branding Formulas
Controlling the energy of a room
Inside Secrets of making money as a speaker
Sales Systems & Closing Strategies
Advanced Influence & Human Potential Techniques